January 2023
LLMWMC members:
In the past, many of you have asked about joining online, which, at the time, we did not have. That option is now available for you. We are no longer mailing out membership forms as we have done in the past, but you will still have the option of joining at the pro shops once the 2024 season starts if you wish.
Your Membership is good January 1 – December 31 Dues are $75.
Because we are offering the online sign up, you will be inactivated immediately until your 2024 dues are paid. If you have gone where it is warm (lucky you) you will need to join online to have your GHIN activated.
To join online:
1. Google WA golf
2. When their join page opens “choose Regular”
3. Join to open
4. At Membership page, scroll down to Liberty Lake/MeadowWood and open
5. At our site choose from the “add ons” to donate to OUR Junior Golf programs if you wish. Hit join
6. Current members, fill in your GHIN # (if you don't, you may be assigned a new GHIN # and lose your data) click search member. Otherwise create a new membership.
7. Select your correct record
8. Check out page (please note that the donation button here is not for LLMWMC, but for WA Golf programs)
9. Once you have completed the checkout page, you will be active for 2024 as soon as your payment goes through.
March, 2023
Welcome to the LLMW Golf Club, and the beginning of the 2023 season. Though our courses may not be open yet, March 1 is the first day you can again start posting scores in our region. Visit our web site llmwmc.club to get more information on our club, news, board officers, tournament schedule for 2023, and local rules. Open news from Handicap chair for Handicap information, plus a section on the mobile ghin app and posting hole by hole. One new addition to the mobile app is the ability to keep score for a foursome as you play. Check it out if you haven’t seen it yet (in mobile app opening page, “Play with GPS/Games).
There are new rules of golf starting this year. Go to the USGA website for more information, explanations, and to download the new rule book.
Since WHS has gone to daily handicaps, it is important that you post by midnight the day you play. When posting, post hole by hole at the end of your round. This can easily, and quickly, be done on your phone with the free mobile Ghin app you can find in your app store if you do not have it. If you are establishing your handicap for the first time, you will need to post 54 holes to get it started.
As you always should, play each hole to the best of your ability, post your scores, and keep up with the group in front of you. One additional thing you can do this year is make sure your playing partners are posting. This is called “peer review” and can easily be done using your mobile app. We used to have peer review when handicaps were posted every two weeks. Now they are posted every day in the Ghin mobile app. As always, you can let me know if there is an issue, and I will follow up if needed.
If you have any questions or handicap issues, feel free to call me.
Here’s to a great 2023 season!!
Mike Steffy
Handicap Chairman
Active season for posting in our region is 3/1/23 to 11/14/23.
All unpaid members have been inactivated until dues are paid.
The updated Ghin system does not recognize Ghin #’ beginning with zero, or one that is hyphenated (e.g., 00123456, 123-456). Your Ghin # is 123456. If you are a paid member and having trouble getting into any Ghin product, this may be why.
When you sign up this year you will need to furnish a current email address, and no two members can have the same email address. Without it, the new system will not allow posting access to Ghin products (ghin.com and phone app). Because handicaps are computed daily, posting by midnight of the day you play to avoid penalty scores, is the norm under the WHS (World Handicap System).
With the change to WHS it is recommended to post scores hole by hole after your round on the Mobile Ghin app, or ghin.com. Your score will automatically be corrected showing your max score per hole of Net Double Bogey… (par + 2 stokes + any handicap stokes received). In most cases this will be no more than 8 or 9 strokes on a par 5 for example, and in casual play you should pick up at this point and move on for pace of play purposes. This limit is in place, so a player’s handicap is not overly influenced by 1 or 2 bad hole scores that are not reflective of a player’s ability. This procedure must be used for all rounds posted for handicap purposes.
Your Handicap Index (HI) calculation is based on the lowest 8 of the last 20 differentials in your scoring record. Your phone app will have your updated HI each day.
Your Course Handicap (CH) will vary depending on which set of tees you are playing. Again, the Mobile Ghin app figures this automatically for you.
Look for more additions to the Mobile Ghin app in the near future.
WHS rule 1.3(i) responsibilities of Player
1. Act with integrity by following the Rules of Handicapping and to refrain from using, or circumventing, the Rules of Handicapping for the purpose of gaining an unfair advantage
2. Attempt to make the best score possible at each hole
3. Submit acceptable scores (WHS rule 2.1) for handicap purposes as soon as possible after the round is completed and before midnight local time
4. Submit acceptable scores to provide reasonable evidence of their demonstrated ability
5. Play by the Rules of Golf
6. Certify the scores of fellow players
WHS rule 2.1 Acceptability of Scores
A score is acceptable for handicap purposes if the round has been played:
1. In an authorized format of play (Rule 2.1a) over at least the minimum number of holes required for either a 9-hole or an 18-hole score to be acceptable (Rule 2.2)
2. In the company of at least one other person, who may also act as a marker (subject to satisfying any other requirements of the Rules of Golf)
3. By the Rules of Golf (Rule 2.1b)
4. On a golf course with a current Course Rating and Slope Rating, where length and normal playing difficulty is maintained at a consistent level
5. On a golf course during its active season
6. The player’s score must always be certified in accordance with the Rules of Handicaping (Rule 4.4 peer review)
If one or more of the requirements set out above is not met, the score is not acceptable for handicap purposes
Mike Steffy
Handicap Chairman
The link below will take you to a page with a short tutorial on using the GHIN mobile app. The app does a lot more than just post your score. You can post hole by hole scores that allows you to keep better statistics for your game, you can look up all your playing partners handicaps in one quick application and more.
The Washington Golf Association has asked our club to pass on to all its members that if you should require a posted score change, addition or deletion, you should call your local handicap chairman, NOT the Washington Golf Association.
Our local handicap chairman is Mike Steffy @ 509-981-6688
Email: email@llmwmc.club Copyright © 2020 Liberty Lake/MeadowWood Golf Club - All Rights Reserved.